Penn College News

Industry Relations Articles

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The full episode of Project MFG's "Maritime Welding Nationals – Season 1" has been released, showcasing the talents of 16 young finalists from across the U.S. and spotlighting the host facility – Pennsylvania College of Technology’s 55,000-square-foot welding lab. Among those featured in the 13-minute episode are two Penn College welding faculty members: James N. Colton II and Timothy S. Turnbach.

API (the American Petroleum Institute) has donated access to its standards for industry best practices to Pennsylvania College of Technology for use in the curriculums of various academic programs in the college’s School of Engineering Technologies. Representatives of API were on campus in Penn College’s welding lab in the Lycoming Engines Metal Trades Center on Aug. 28 to formally present the standards.

The trailer for “Project MFG’s Maritime Welding Nationals” is out, promoting the episode’s Friday night premiere. Pennsylvania College of Technology’s expansive welding facility and its Thompson Professional Development Center hosted the competition in June. Project MFG is an advocacy group focused on accelerating the workforce pipeline by informing future generations of the vast career opportunities within the skilled trades industry.

The full episode for “Clash of Trades: Welding League Edition Season 2” has been released, featuring the host facility – Pennsylvania College of Technology’s 55,000-square-foot welding lab. Project MFG’s National Welding League Championship was filmed at Penn College in June, bringing to campus 18 competitors from 14 U.S. high schools and trade schools (285 competitors from 101 schools competed in the national qualifying events).

The trailer for the “Clash of Trades: Welding League Edition” has been released, promoting the episode’s upcoming premiere. Project MFG’s National Welding League Championship was held in Pennsylvania College of Technology’s 55,000-square-foot welding facility in June, bringing to campus some of the best high school and trade school student-welders in the nation.

Acting Labor Secretary Julie Su and Director of the Domestic Policy Counsel/White House Domestic Policy Advisor Neera Tanden took a few moments to answer questions following their July 11, 2024, announcement event at Pennsylvania College of Technology. The officials announced nationwide grant funding for apprenticeship initiatives totaling $244 million. Penn College is the recipient of a $4 million grant to expand its existing apprenticeship and pre-apprenticeship programs.

A $4 million federal grant will empower Pennsylvania College of Technology to continue serving as a key provider of apprenticeship and pre-apprenticeship training programs statewide and beyond in response to employer demand for more workers in advanced manufacturing. The Apprenticeship Building America grant was announced today during a U.S. Department of Labor event with remarks delivered by Julie Su, acting secretary of labor, and Neera Tanden, White House domestic policy advisor.

Penn College hosted some of the best young welders in the nation last week. The college’s 55,000-square-foot welding facility served as the home for two national competitions, conducted by Project MFG, a skilled-trades advocacy group. A mix of high school and trade school students from throughout the country competed in the National Welding League Championship and the Maritime National Championship, both offering prizes that included $10,000 for first place.